Our AGM is being held at our club from 5pm on Thursday 29 August, and here is our agenda. We look forward to seeing you there. You’re welcome to join in for a hit of tennis afterwards and drinks/nibbles will be available.
Peregian Tennis Club 2019 AGM Agenda:
Documents on hand at AGM: Business Plan, Constitution, Management reports, Financials, Court Manager Contract. Nomination forms have been available via a website link provided in our newsletter.
Numbers: at a bare min we need three committee positions, the only double up not allowed is treasurer/President. A quorum for a committee meeting (four per year min) is more than 50% of committee. A quorum for AGM is “at-least-the-number-of-members on committee, plus 1”
Members must be financial for 2019 to be eligible to vote at the AGM.
- Welcome at 5pm with drinks and nibbles
- Attendance-register signing
- Confirmation of 2018 minutes
- Public liability statement (the club has a public liability insurance of 20 million. We are also incorporated, which means we protect our members/assets as the club is a separate entity from the people
- Treasurer report, Court Manager’s report, President’s report
- Election of Office Bearers.
- Other business (please advise prior to AGM if this is detailed)
- Close
Nominations for positions:
Nominations for committee positions close 10 August, 2019 or will be taken from the floor on the day. Nomination forms are set out below this info.
All the committee members shall retire from office, but will be eligible upon nomination or re-election
Any two Association members shall be at liberty to nominate any member to serve on the Committee of Management Committee Members.
Nominations for the Committee are to be received by the Association in writing at least 14 days prior to the AGM. The nomination to be signed by the member, the members nominator and seconder.
Nominations can be made on another’s behalf.
If no written nominations are received, nominations will be taken from the floor.
Should written nominations be received for each position, no nominations will be taken from the floor.
To be eligible to serve on the Committee you need to:
Be an over 18 and a member of the Association.
Not be a bankrupt or one who has compounded with their creditors or otherwise taken advantage of the laws in force for the time being relating to bankruptcy;
Not have been convicted of an indictable offence or of an offence punishable on summary conviction for which the person is sentenced to imprisonment otherwise than in default of payment of a fine (In the past ten years)
Agree to abide by all the policies of the Association.
Agree to make the club a priority by attending to matters between meetings, attending meetings and responding to other committee members.
Voting: Voting will take place at the Annual General Meeting. For Committee positions, where more than one nomination is received, voting will be by secret ballot.
Further Details:
Committee meetings will take place at least four times per year and although most committee work is covered outside of meetings, your commitment as a Committee member will include attendance at these meetings.
As a Management Committee Member of the Association you will be subject to the Australian Corporations Law, the Incorporated Associations Act of Queensland, the ARMA Committee Code of Conduct and Governance Charter.
New Management Committee Members will undergo induction immediately following their election to ensure they are fully briefed on the current agenda of the Association. (Our Constitution and Business Plan being key documents)
The club has Association Liability Insurance, which covers our Management Committee Members liability in certain situations and is available to defend claims against both the organisation and its Management Committee Members individually for any matter dealt with by the Association.
Committee Member Nomination Form
To nominate for a position on the Committee, you need to reply to the Association by 10 August 2019, or be nominated from the floor at the AGM.
CUT AND PASTE THIS NOMINATION page below INTO AN EMAIL & SEND TO info@peregiantennisclub.com.au:
I wish to nominate for the position of:
Committee Member (3 positions)
In nominating, I agree to abide by the policies, codes of conduct and other behavioural guides of the association for committee members and I agree that should the majority of my fellow committee members feel that I have breached the codes that my term of office can be immediately dismissed from my position on the management committee.
Name: | |
Nominated By: (Name) | |
Nominated By (Signature) | |
Seconded By (Name) | |
Seconded By (Signature) |
End of nomination secton
Some useful info for committees and members:
About a constitution. This is a basic set of rules for the daily running of our club, a contract between Peregian Tennis Club Incorporated and its members It details for your members and others the reasons for the club’s existence, the name, objects, methods of management and other conditions under which our club or group operates. It also regulates the relationship between members by setting out the basis for working with other co-members.
Incorporation: We Incorporate (Peregian Tennis Club Incorporated) so we protect members/our assets – the club is an entity separate from the people. 2007 saw big changes to the laws – constitutions must be in-line with Act.
About our Committee
- Only need 3 positions min. The only double-up not allowed is Treasurer cannot be President. A quorum for committee meetings is more than 50% of committee. A quorum for AGM is “at-least-the-number-of-members on committee, plus 1”
- A minimum of 4 meetings a year is the only requirement.
- The club is an entity of its own, the act protects committees. Only in the case where committee knows of substantial-danger, discuss it, don’t act on it is the committee not protected. Safety is paramount.
- Always ensure appropriate secretary is appointed – interim is OK for 12 mths. The responsibility for Act-compliance is with secretary (correct dealing with minutes etc)
- Every meeting should now include an item called legal compliance even if not needed at that meeting.
- Committee decisions can be made by email, skype etc. Decisions can be made any way – an email response equates to a signature.
- All committee needs to understand what’s going on with the money