Members’ Newsletter October 2019
Thank you for your membership, it’s great to have you as part of the club. Despite our small venue we’ve stood as a strong, self-funded, independent club for almost 40 years, largely due to our members’ support & voluntary work. Long may it be so.
Free tennis 10am – 3pm for members. Our members’ low court-hire rates will hold for 2020. That’s Daytime rates of just $5 per court per hour (non-member $15) & Night-time rates are $10 per court per hour (non-member $20). But we now also offer you free tennis between 10am – 3pm (our off-peak time) on any day. Subject to court-space, to be booked online & applies only to off-peak. Non-members pay normal rates, playing with members or not.
Ongoing tennis action: Mon night ‘A’ Grade Open Comp 6.30pm – 9pm,Tues morning Veteran Men’s Social 7am – 9am, Tues night Social Comp from 6.30pm – 9pm, Wed night ‘B’ Grade Open Comp 6.30pm – 9 pm, Thurs afternoon – Fast 4 singles & doubles Comp 5pm – 6.30pm, Thurs Afternoon Adult Coach & Play 5.15pm – 6.45pm, Fri Morning Veteran Men’s Social – 7am – 9am. Junior & Senior coaching 3.30pm – 6pm Mon to Fri. Plenty of coach & play options are on offer at a range of times to suit just about anyone, just ask.
Alongside court manager/coach Andrew, we introduce Danny Tylim (0418 147 406) a highly-experienced coach, well-versed in the technical as well as fun side of tennis. Danny runs most of our kids’ coaching, plus some adult coach & play groups.
Sadly, our long-term member Erwin Epp passed away in September; a group of our members attended his memorial service. Erwin was a recently-active player at our club & will be missed by many. Our thoughts are with Erwin’s wife Wendy & family.
AGM wrap-up. Snippets from the evening include Committee’s key 2019 activities, which were: tackling aging facilities with grants, overhauling key club-documents & adding $8,000 to our pool of reserves for future infrastructure, which is more than ever before! A copy of all AGM documents avail at club for you.
What we do well/what needs improvement. That’s what we asked ‘Good Governance’ consultants to look at & amongst other things they surveyed you. There was a high response rate (thank you) & excellent feedback re court management & positive culture here. What our members said the club does well were: Fun, social & friendly place, Low-pressure environment, All-inclusive, A gem of a place, Great court management, Good with grants, Organising tennis & attracting lovely people. What members said we could improve on: Shade & shelter, More social events, More info to members, Visibility, Practice wall (this one raises a noise issue). We’ll act on what we can in our 2020 Facilities Plan & activities & keep you updated.
New community house build starts @ year’s-end. There’ll be parking aplenty on the to-be extended Oval carpark. You’ll also see a simple boom-gate installed to our laneway-entrance to stop random-access by those who mistake our laneway for Comm house access/parking. Long-term we’re likely to only use our laneway for emergency access, to ensure a pedestrian-friendly club entrance. Into 2020 there’ll be daytime build-noise obviously, but the club will glean much benefit from connection with the house & its myriad of activities/opportunities.
Cap it off: Seen our new club caps yet? They’re a high-end range & come in white, blue or black. The RRP is $25 but as we’d like our members to be the ones wearing them, we’ll offer them to our members for just $15, which simply covers the club’s cost.
Party time. Many of you have said how much you enjoy our club’s social events. Well, our final 2019 Shindig’s set for Saturday 23 November from 5pm. At this end-of-year party (free for members) there’ll be plenty of nibbles & tennis games, but non-players are just as welcome. Retro Theme: dress as your fave tennis star or just some retro tennis gear’ll do the trick. Yes-RSVPs by Wed 20 Nov to BYO or purchase at club, dinner/nibbles included. Non-members are most welcome @ $10 per person, members are free.
Adult social tennis fun Jan 2020. The club will run a new 8-week initiative Open-Court-Session for adults – a mix of mini-tennis & social tennis, just after the Aussie Open wraps up. . . Initiated by Tennis Qld to encourage get more adults to jump back into/or play more tennis, this will be an exciting chance for us to host a lively social event for you or anyone you know who’s keen to get back into tennis or play more. Check our website for more details closer to the date.
Our club heads into 2020 in a healthy state both dollar and facility wise. Most importantly, we continue to exude a positive & welcoming vibe to all, thanks to our court management & you, our members.
Enjoy your tennis,
Kim – Club President (on behalf of committee: Karen, Ingrid, Andrew, Bob Nicole)
Website: – to book your court online or check on latest events
Email: – to RSVP to end of year party
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